Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fact- Belief in God makes you healthier

 In 4 Nephi after Christ's church had been set up we saw great and marvelous affects at work in the lives of  these people. In 4 Nephi 1:15 we learn that as they lived the gospel 

"There was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people. And there were no envying, nor strife's, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders nor any manner there of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God. "

God loves each and every one of  His children so very much, and He wants us to be happy. ( 2 Nephi 2:25 ) Since He is our Father whom created us, He also made our bodies and spirits long for Him, and seek for happiness in order that we could learn His ways that He knew would make us happiest; and lead us back to Him.

Not only is watching someone who does not believe that they have a God that they can turn too painful, but it is also very harmful to a person's physical health, emotional health and entire state of happiness all together. 

Many studies have been done to prove this for those whom may not be sure if they should try out faith and plant that first seed, or experiment upon His words. ( Alma 32:17-43) 

My hope is that we can all share the last truth to all of our friends whom are not LDS, as a way to plant that first seed and see if it will take root, and maybe they can gain a desire to know more?

-2006 The American Society of Hypertension established that church goers have lower blood pressure than the non-faithful

- 2004 scholars at the University of California, Los Angeles suggest that college students involved in religious activities are more likely to have better mental and emotional health than those who do not. 

- 2006 population researchers at the University of Texas discovered the more often you go to church- the longer you live.

- American Journal of Public Health studied about 2,000 Californians for five years. Those who attended religious services were thirty-six percent less likely to die during the half decade than those who didn't.

- 1990 American Journal of Psychiatry discovered that believers with broken hips were less depressed, had shorter hospital stays and could even walk further when they were discharged compared to their similarly broken-hipped and hospitalized non-believer peers. 

- 1998 The American Journal of Public Health found that patients with strong intrinsic faith recovered 70 percent faster than those who did not have strong faith. 

- 2008 Professor Andrew Clark of the Paris school of Economics and Doctor Orsolya Helkes of the Euoropean Center for Social Welfare Policy and Research, conducted a vast survey of Europeans. They found that religious believers, compared to non-believers recorded less stress, less loss of jobs, less divorce and less prone to suicide. 

Considering all these things we know it is such a blessing for ALL who believe in God, but nothing tops the amount of time that you will be able to have the better life and that is what even research has shown that membership in THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST , OF LATTER DAY SAINTS gives- EXTENDED LIFE....THIS BETTER LIFE YET LONGER! 

" A study done from 1980 - 2004 by non-Mormon UCLA professor James E. Enstrom and Lester Breslow concluded that " Practicing members in California had the lowest total death rate and the longest life expectancy ever documented in a well-defined U.S. Cohort." 

" Another noteworthy finding from this study was that the more strictly and consistently Mormons followed Mormon lifestyle elements, the longer they live. "   ( www.mormon.org ) 
We as members of Christ's church on the earth do not need these facts to know that our lives are richly blessed because we have His Restored Gospel in our lives. But, how much more happy could we be and should we be if we could share these truths with our neighbors and those that we know that are not LDS? Please share this with your friends whom aren't as blessed as we are. 
  “I bear personal witness this day of a personal, living God, who knows our names, hears and answers prayers, and cherishes us eternally as children of His spirit. I testify that amidst the wondrously complex tasks inherent in the universe, He seeks our individual happiness and safety above all other godly concerns.”
- Jeffrey R. Holland,  Ensign,  Nov. 2003
I am so thankful to have happiness in my life that is lasting and I know that there is no other way to live that could be as blessed and filled with joy as my life in His church. 

I say this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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