Saturday, February 21, 2015

Job Description - What's Yours?

  I am sure that my children do not know what a rotary telephone looks like. They know nothing about phones except for the fact that they stay with you all the time, in your pocket or purse. Although I sound as if I am quite an old person as I say this, the fact is that technology is just moving at an enormously fast rate, all due to the purpose of the gospel being preached to all men. 

when I was eighteen-years old I worked for a land-line telephone company. The monopoly ran by South Western Bell had recently been named un-lawful and due to this new law; new phone companies began to form in hopes to take advantage of the required rates given to those whom wanted to buy their telephone lines, in order to re-sell them. 

I began working for one of these newly forming phone companies, ( only a couple years old ) as a Sales Representative, where I answered the phone and signed up individuals for this new phone service. With in one year I was promoted to become a Sales Quality Analyst, where my job entailed coaching my former sales associates on how to obtain the sale, while following FCC Regulations, and maintaining a quality call, with an retain-able new customer.  I also worked with two outsourced companies that we used, ensuring our same procedures were being followed, although they were off location. 

As I came into work at this up and coming company one day, I was informed that I would have an individual shadowing me on and off for an entire week. A few individuals were temporarily hired in order that they could document what it was that not just myself, but every employee did  in their job; even those unseen, yet forming processes unknown to anyone besides the person who held the position. 

Although this was a lengthy and expensive project, there was great significance in this documentation for the future employees, as it left a clear depiction of how the company is ran successfully. 

In 3 Nephi 5:13 Mormon describes himself as a " Disciple of Christ ". Although Mormon was likely making this statement in part due to his authority as an apostle, as stated in the manual ( Religion 121-122 ) , Mormon also teaches us what we can and must do ourselves as we are also " Disciples of Christ " in our lives, as we have taken upon us His name at baptism. 

Like this company that I worked for; the importance of documenting and making known the " Job Description " for those future employees and current employees, Our Father in Heaven understands the great need for us to also comprehend what it means to be " His Disciple " , and so, He left us examples and instructions in great detail in the documentation of His life, and His  apostles, prophets and disciples- all documented in the scriptures. As we read the scriptures we learn from those such as Mormon and many others, after what manner our job as " Disciples of Christ " should be executed. 

There are many today that when asked what they " do " or what they " are " identify themselves to their career job description, their hobbies, the brand of their car,  the university they attended, or their favorite sports team ( Let Your Faith Show, April 2014, Elder Russel M. Nelson ) , but I know that the Lord made the scriptures available to us, even with great sacrifice from many individuals that I am certain that He loves, and did not want to see them suffer the way they did, but none the less; in order for us, that we might have our most important " Job Description " made known to us through examples like Mormon, as what we are to do and be, as " Disciples of Christ." We can and should identify ourselves first and foremost,  as exactly what we came to this earth to become; His students, and followers.

When we understand our real " Job Description " our whole life attitudes towards even daily mundane tasks can change. As we first identify ourselves as " His Disciples " we are no longer just changing a diaper of our baby, but we are caring for royal offspring that has divine potential. As we go shopping at the grocery store for our family, we are not just buying food, we are learning to run a small kingdom of God, and preparing and training His small servants, that will need strength to reach their potential. As I understand my " Job Description " as a " Disciple of Christ ", I am not just doing this school work for a degree, but I am becoming better prepared to build His kingdom, as I have practiced discipline, precision, and hard work, which has given me added knowledge on how to be a better Servant for Him in His kingdom. 

As stated in the manual , Religion 121-122: Chauncey C. Riddle states in Becoming a Disciple, Ensign 1974 :

" The word disciple comes from the Latin meaning learner. A disciple of Christ is one whom is learning to be like Christ- learning to think, feel and act how He does. To be a true disciple, to fulfill that learning task, is the most demanding regimen known to man. No other discipline either requirements or rewards. It involves a total transformation of a person from state of natural man to that of a Saint, one whom loves the Lord, and serves him with all his heart, might, mind and strength." 

I am so thankful that I have these sacred scriptures that have given me clear instructions as to how I should live my life. How I should act, what kind of work that I should do, and how to become a profitable servant unto Him that I love. I am so thankful that I know my real " Job Description " as a " Disciple of Jesus Christ." 

I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

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