Monday, November 16, 2015

Circumcision of the Heart and The Holy Spirit of Promise

As I was considering if I could move on from Genesis 19 or  if there was more to be taken for myself, yourself, and my posterity in this chapter of the Old Testament; I did feel a connection between what I had been reading in regards to the circumcision or reminder of a covenant with God and "The Holy Spirit of Promise." 

As I read from David Ridges, Gospel Study Series, I read : 

" In many places the Lord speaks of true circumcision as being the circumcision of the heart. The heart that is circumcised is one that loves God and is obedient to the spirit. ( Ezekiel 44:7; Deuteronomy 10:16 ; Jeremiah 4:4; Acts 7:51 ) "

 Though a person may have had the token of circumcision in the flesh, unless he was righteous the covenant was invalidated and the circumcision became profitless. Thus, circumcision was only a sign or token of what needed to happen to the inward man. If the inward change had not taken place, then the circumcision was virtually meaningless. ( See Jeremiah 9: 25-26 , Romans 2:25-29; 1 Corinthians 7:19; Galatians 5:1-6; 6:12-15; Philippians 3:3-4 ) "

Likewise, even if one enters into baptism, goes to the temple and takes upon himself covenants between himself and the Lord, unless he does so with his heart in the right place, and full commitment and desire to keep the covenants - he will not have the blessing of the Holy Ghost, nor will The Holy Spirit of Promise seal the blessings of those covenants upon the individual. I am eternally thankful that the Lord does look upon our hearts, intentions, and thoughts. I hope and pray that He can be pleased with what He sees in me, and I hope that someday I can be worthy of being sealed to a righteous Priesthood Holder that loves Him the same as I do through The Holy Spirit of Promise. 

In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

To seal is to ratify, to justify, or to approve.

Elder Bruce R. McConkie states the following : “The ratifying seal of approval is put upon and act only if those entering the contract are worthy as a result of personal righteousness .

The Holy Spirit of Promise is the Holy Spirit promised the saints, or in other words the Holy Ghost. This name-title is used in connection with the sealing and ratifying power of the Holy Ghost, that is, the power given him to ratify and approve the righteous acts of men so that those acts will be binding on earth and in heaven. ‘All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations,’ must be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, if they are to have ‘efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from the dead; for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead.’ (D. & C. 132:7.)
To seal is to ratify, to justify, or to approve. Thus an act which is sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise is one which is ratified by the Holy Ghost; it is one which is approved by the Lord; and the person who has taken the obligation upon himself is justified by the Spirit in the thing he has done.
The ratifying seal of approval is put upon an act only if those entering the contract are worthy as a result of personal righteousness to receive the divine approbation. They ‘are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, which the Father sheds forth upon all those who are just and true.’ (D. & C. 76:53.) If they are not just and true and worthy the ratifying seal is withheld.
When any ordinance or contract is sealed by the Spirit, it is approved with a promise of reward, provided unrighteousness does not thereafter break the seal, remove the ratifying approval, and cause loss of the promised blessing. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 1, p. 55; vol. 2, pp. 94–99.) Seals are placed on contracts through righteousness.
The operation and power of the Holy Spirit of Promise is best illustrated by the ordinance and contract of baptism. An unworthy candidate for baptism might deceive the elders and get the ordinance performed, but no one can lie to the Holy Ghost and get by undetected. Accordingly, the baptism of an unworthy and unrepentant person would not be sealed by the Spirit; it would not be ratified by the Holy Ghost; the unworthy person would not be justified by the Spirit in his actions. If thereafter he became worthy through repentance and obedience, the seal would then be put in force. Similarly, if a worthy person is baptized, with the ratifying approval of the Holy Ghost attending the performance, yet the seal may be broken by subsequent sin.
These principles also apply to every other ordinance and performance in the Church. Thus if both parties are ‘just and true,’ if they are worthy, a ratifying seal is placed on their temple marriage; if they are unworthy, they are not justified by the Spirit and the ratification of the Holy Ghost is withheld. Subsequent worthiness will put the seal in force, and unrighteousness will break any seal.
Even if a person progresses to that state of near-perfection in which his calling and election is made sure, in which he is ‘sealed up unto eternal life’ (D. & C. 131:5132:18–26), in which he receives ‘the promise … of eternal life’ (D. & C. 88:3–4), in which he is ‘sealed up unto the day of redemption’ (D. & C. 124:124Eph. 1:13)—yet with it all, these great promises are secured only if the ‘performances’ are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise” (Mormon Doctrine, 361–62).
An act which is sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise … is one which is approved by the Lord."

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